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Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more

Meet the directors of Thrive Renewables

Thrive Renewables has been working towards a clean energy system in the UK for almost 30 years. The Triodos Bank Corporate Finance team recently hosted a ‘meet the directors’ webinar with Thrive to learn more about its role in the transition to renewable energy.


 - 15 November 2023

We recently invited our investors to join us for a webinar with Matthew Clayton, Monika Paplaczyk and Katrina Cross, executive directors of Thrive Renewables plc. The webinar provided the opportunity for Thrive to talk through their ongoing energy projects and their plans for the future. The session was hosted by Triodos Crowdfunding co-workers and offered attendees the chance to ask questions to the management team.

Thrive Renewables is an established renewable energy investment company with nearly 30 years of experience funding, building, owning, and operating clean energy projects. The company has been a mission-based business since the beginning and is a certified B Corp. It is working towards a clean, smart energy system, powered by the investment of many. Its mission is to power the transition to a sustainable energy future by helping people meaningfully connect with clean energy projects.

Watch back the webinar below:
